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Inflation Gone Wild:  Girl Scouts Raise Cookie Prices

The New York Times reports that “as if sticker shock in grocery stores hasn’t been enough, inflation has hit another consumer favorite: Girl Scout cookies.

“When Girl Scouts in New York start their annual cookie sales this week, customers will be paying $7 a box for favorites like Thin Mints, Samoas, and Tagalongs, up from $5 last year.”

However, it is not a universal prices increase.

“Across the country, Girl Scout troops have been seeing jumps in cookie prices over the last couple of years,” the Times writes.  “But they are not all seeing them at the same levels. That’s because the 111 councils that make up the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. operate as individual nonprofit organizations and negotiate separate contracts with the two bakeries that are licensed to manufacture the cookies. The various councils also decide when to sell the cookies … So while cookie prices are climbing to $7 in New York this year, Girl Scouts in some parts of New Jersey, for instance, are charging $6 a box. That’s up from $5 or $5.50 last year. And other councils are not raising prices at all.”

Some context from the Times piece:

“For decades, Girl Scouts have set up tables outside stores to take orders, and parents have prodded family members and co-workers to buy boxes of cookies during the typically brief selling windows. While some buy the cookies simply because they love Thin Mints, others purchase because they were once Girl Scouts themselves or they support the broader mission of the organization.

“As the prices of cookies climb, however, there is some worry that it will result in fewer boxes being sold and less money being available for programming or trips for the girls’ troops. Although in some cases, the higher prices could mean that the money going to the troops will remain roughly flat, even if the number of boxes being sold is less.”

KC’s View:

Thin mints are worth it.  Crumble them up and then mix them into fresh-baked brownies.  Heaven.

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