1. Merchandising

Old Navy Emphasizes Quality and Value With 1-Year ‘Kid-Proof’ Uniforms Guarantee

Old Navy recently introduced a one-year “kid-proof” guarantee on uniform styles. All Old Navy uniform basics — such as polos, chinos and pleated skirts — are priced at $15 and under during the back-to-school season. The brand will also provide a full refund if products don’t stand up to the wear and tear of the school year. In this video interview, Charlie Cook, director of global merchandising for kids at Old Navy, discusses why the brand decided to launch the program and the merchandise available as part of the money-back guarantee. She addresses Old Navy’s commitment to quality and value in its uniform products, how the brand is driving consumer awareness of its uniform guarantee, and the merchandise trends she’s tracking heading into the holiday season.

Charlie Cook is the director of global merchandising for kids at Old Navy where she oversees the product assortment and strategies for the kids division. A 10-year veteran of the brand, Cook started her professional path at Old Navy as an assistant merchandiser in 2013, moving up the ranks while working across multiple merchandising divisions for toddlers and kids before landing her current title in 2020. A longtime fan and customer of Gap Inc. brands, Cook embarked on a career with the iconic retailer prior to completing her undergraduate education, first as a sales associate and then intern with Gap brand in London, before attending the University of Southampton in England where she studied social sciences.

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