Lisa Goller's articles

  1. Owned Brands (Private Label)
Consumers’ appetite for private label keeps growing. Worldwide and across categories, more retailers are aligning their store brand strategies with consumer needs like: 💰 Value 🧘‍♀️ Health ♻ Sustainability Private labels soar in strategic significance because retailers seek: ❤️ Loyalty 📈 Profitability 🌟 Differentiation It’s paying off. 🔸 $236 billion in U.S. private label sales in 2023 […]
  1. Channel: Mass
What makes Target so popular? For starters: 🎯 People-first leadership 🎯 Powerhouse private labels 🎯 An elevated store experience BY LISA GOLLERMARCH 5, 2024RETAIL, STRATEGY What makes Target so popular? For starters: 🎯 People-first leadership 🎯 Powerhouse private labels 🎯 An elevated store experience As consumers’ needs and the retail landscape shift, Target has evolved as an […]