Starbucks has committed to long-term purchases of renewable energy generated by community solar provider Nexamp, anchoring the deployment of more than 40 Megawatts of solar energy in Illinois communities. Construction already has begun on the six new community solar projects, which are expected to come online in 2025.
In addition to clean energy and savings, these solar farms also represent employment opportunities that will help Nexamp accelerate its workforce development initiatives in the state. Through partnerships with organizations including City Colleges of Chicago, the Chicago Urban League, Uplift Community High School, 22C and other Future Energy Jobs Act job training organizations, Nexamp is aiming workforce development at a wide range of communities.
The community benefits don’t end there: Starbucks will receive only a portion of the renewable energy credits from these operations, with the remaining capacity allocated to area residents and businesses through the Nexamp community solar program. Nexamp and Starbucks are looking to expand this program to additional locations in the future.
“Community solar is a perfect way for retailers to make progress on their own sustainability goals while also playing a role in the build-out of renewable energy resources that have the ability to directly benefit their own customers,” said Zaid Ashai, CEO of Nexamp in a statement. “That was the case with Starbucks, which shares our vision of equitable access to community members.”
Earlier this month, Starbucks partnered with Mercedes-Benz to expand its EV charging stations to more than 100 stores, and took part in a citywide test, along with other retailers, to support the use of reusable cups. Starbucks had extended the use of consumers’ own cups across the U.S. and Canada in January 2024. Additionally, Starbucks has certified more than 6,000 locations as Greener Stores and aims to have 10,000 stores around the world earning the certification in 2025.
“Starbucks is committed to our environmental promise to give more than we take, and we have a long history of renewable energy projects that bring clean energy to more communities,” said Michael Kobori, Chief Sustainability Officer at Starbucks in a statement.
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