BCC Research's articles

  1. Channel: Ecommerce & Digital
Insulin drug and delivery technology Insulin is a crucial lifeline for millions of people worldwide who manage diabetes. Insulin delivery systems are essential for the care and management of diabetes patients. BCC Research has classified these systems into four categories: syringes, insulin pens, insulin pumps, and smart pens. Our latest report on insulin drug and […]
  1. Media & Marketing
Synthetic biology is a multidisciplinary field of science that combines engineering principles with biology to create new biological systems or to redesign existing natural systems. It involves creating artificial biological systems for practical uses in energy, medicine, and the environment. The main aim is to design biological systems for specific tasks, using genetic engineering to […]
  1. Trends & External Forces
Pain management is a critical aspect of healthcare, touching the lives of millions globally. Whether it’s acute pain resulting from injury or chronic pain stemming from conditions like arthritis or neuropathy, effective pain management is essential for improving patients’ quality of life. Within this realm, the pharmaceutical industry plays a significant role, continuously innovating to […]
  1. Data & Insights
Autoimmune disorders occur when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues, leading to various health issues. The global market for diagnosing these conditions has grown significantly due to advances in medical technology. In this blog, we’ll explore the latest trends and opportunities in autoimmune disease diagnostics, offering insights for healthcare professionals and investors alike.
  1. Technology & Innovation
Western blotting helps scientists separate and identify proteins. They do this by putting a mix of proteins through a process called gel electrophoresis, which separates them based on their size. Then, they transfer these separated proteins onto a membrane, which creates a visible band for each protein.
  1. Technology & Innovation
What is Virtual Reality? Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that has caught the attention of many in the ever-evolving world of technology. It promises to transport users to immersive digital realms where they can experience and interact with the digital world in ways never seen before. The applications of VR are endless, from gaming […]
  1. Technology & Innovation
An important turning point in the development of regenerative medicine is marked by the release ofInduced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Global Markets. Originating from adult somatic cells, these cells exhibit an extraordinary capacity to differentiate into diverse cell types, hence offering great potential for the purposes of disease modeling, drug discovery, and customized therapy. Due to […]
  1. Trends & External Forces
What is interoperability in healthcare? Interoperability in healthcare is a critical component of modern healthcare. It facilitates smoother access to patient information, enhances collaboration between doctors and other healthcare providers, and delivers care more effectively. With the introduction of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning, healthcare interoperability has gained greater importance in ensuring […]
  1. Technology & Innovation
In today’s digital world, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) are everywhere available. This is mainly because there are so many electronic devices and wireless communication systems all around us. In this blog post, we will discuss in detail the top 5 companies in the EMI/RFI shielding market, as well as its future […]
  1. Trends & External Forces
The demand for herbal medicine is expanding fast as they have no side effects and are clinically proven to be effective in treating different health issues, according to industry insiders. Herbal medicine, also known as traditional medicine, botanical medicine, herbalism, or natural medicine, refers to the use of plants or plant extracts for medicinal purposes. […]
  1. Shopper & Customer
Laws and regulations are in constant flux, a fact every business must reckon with. When a global force in consumer technology was faced with changing legislation, it was imperative for the brand to uncover the usage habits of their consumers, looking specifically at replacement cycles, customer attitudes and user profiles. This would shed valuable insight […]
  1. Technology & Innovation
In the dynamic landscape of cancer treatment, one class of drugs stands out for its targeted approach and remarkable efficacy: Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKIs). TKIs have revolutionized the treatment of various cancers by selectively targeting specific enzymes involved in tumor growth and progression. The landscape of the Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI) market included several key […]