1. Channel: Restaurants

Chick-fil-A Store Tests Three-Day Workweek Model

From Inc.:

“A Chick-fil-A in Florida now lets workers cram all of the hours needed for a full-time schedule into just three days, and the near-universal reaction seems to be: Wait, why didn’t we think of that?

“To be clear, this is just one Chick-fil-A location, and the three-day schedule is optional. It translates into full-time employment with benefits, because the Chick-fil-A employees who opt-in are putting in 13 to 14 hours per day on those three consecutive days.

“The employees are organized into two pods: working together Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday for two weeks, and then switching together to Thursday-Friday-Saturday for the next two weeks. (Chick-fil-A is closed on Sundays.)

“The trade-off? Flexibility, in exchange for some very long hours at Chick-fil-A on the days that they do work. But those who’ve opted-in seem to love the schedule.”

Chick-fil-A says that there have been three results from the experiment:  “About 40 of 160 total employees have opted into the three-day work week program, with the number increasing as non-participant employees ask their colleagues about their experiences … Increased retention and and fewer call-outs for those employees on the three-day schedule, compared to the non-program workers … and more people are applying to work for Chick-fil-A, specifically because of the three-day program.”

KC’s View:

One of the points that the article’s author makes is that it is hard to imagine spending 13 to 14 hours at a time working in a Chick-fil-A, and while I sympathize with that sentiment, I do think it reflects a sort of elitist view of work.

I think it is terrific for a company to create a flexible work environment that gives people the hours they need to make a living and earn benefits, and still live up to other responsibilities they may have.  This isn’t being required of employees – it simply is an option, and an intriguing one that more companies may want to consider offering.

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